You can connect your Heart Rate monitor when you create your profile and after creating your profile in the settings menu.
When you create your profile, answer yes to “Do you have any Bluetooth enabled equipment or devices to connect?”. Your müüv app should find your heart rate monitor. When it appears, select “Connect”. If you connected your heart rate monitor in your phone’s bluetooth settings before connecting it in the müüv app, the müüv app will not find your heart rate monitor. In this case, disconnect from the heart rate monitor in your phone’s bluetooth settings first and then try to connect through the müüv app.
To connect your heart rate monitor from the settings menu find “Connected Devices'' section. Once in this page, your müüv app should find your heart rate monitor. When it appears, select “Connect”. If you connected your heart rate monitor in your phone’s bluetooth settings before connecting it in the müüv app, the müüv app will not find your heart rate monitor. In this case, disconnect from the heart rate monitor in your phone’s bluetooth settings first and then try to connect through the müüv app.
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